Robel Cleaning System for Vienna Underground Network

Wiener Linien order modern suction technology for synchronized tunnel cleaning.

18.12.2020 in Press releases

With a cleaning machine from their “Roclean” series, Robel wins the tender of the Austrian network operator Wiener Linien covering track bed cleaning within the city subway network. Delivery of the system is scheduled for summer 2022.


The Roclean System - a combination of automated surface vacuuming and manual cleaning with suction hoses – has been specially designed for urban conditions: the machine works with a maximum of three staff in bidirectional operation and cleans consistently and thoroughly, even within small, urban radii. Fine particle filters and silencers reduce dust and noise emissions to a minimum and thus protect workers and town residents alike. The capacity of the collecting container is sufficient for one to several shifts, emptying takes place automatically.


For Robert Gradwohl, Head of rolling stock at Wiener Linien, the advantages of automated track cleaning are obvious: “The system works fast, quietly and efficient and can be easily integrated into our tight maintenance schedule. Less pollution means better working and travel conditions, lower risk of fire and fewer accidents. Environmental pollution and maintenance costs for rolling stock decrease significantly."


More information about ROCLEAN System:

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